First of all!
Hello everyone! *Niżej Polska wersja tego postu* I would like to introduce myself. I'm Alexis and I'm from Poland. As I'm learning english I thought "maybe I should do something creative, something about that I love" and that is why I started this. So welcome on Polish National Teams area. You will find here some news about Polish national teams. I will translate and use parts of interviews untill I will get the chance to do one ;). Also I'm going to introduce to you every player of the teams. I will focus on volleyball, football and handball. So if you're intrested then stay with me!!! P.S. Don't worry about the first sentence beacuse it says "Please scroll down for a polish version of this blog" P.S.2. I'm sorry about my english beacause I'm still learning but I'll do my best to do it in a right way. Goodbye and I'll see you soon... I hope. /Polski/ Na wstępie chciałabym się przedstawić. Mam na imię Aleksandra...