Lotto Eurovolley Poland 2017
Hello everyone! *Niżej polska wersja tego postu* As every volleyball fan knows, we just (about a week ago) finished the Lotto Eurovolley Poland 2017 in my country. First of all I would like to say something about polish participation in this whole event. I'm not going to say it was terrible because I'm still a fan of a polish team ;) but still, in my opinion,we made a step back and it's not really good for our team. Before the Lotto Eurovolley Poland everyone was saying that the team is young and we rejuvate our team. I'm not going to agree with that because actually the only young person was our middle blocker-Bartłomiej Lemański. I'm not saying that he was bad and it was "the worst decision", he was really good and he still is really valuable player but the rest of the guys are not really that young. (By young I mean they don't have experience with big events like European Volleyball Championship or Volleyball Men's World Championship) N...